Sunday, February 18, 2007

Getting Rid of Stuff Continued

Thanks to everyone who checked in with a comment about this post. It is indeed an interesting process to try and decide which things you REALLY need to keep and which things are simply junk that you have accumulated. I have to agree with Adrian that each time you move it seems like you get rid of more crap. I think this is just natural because I am finding that things I once considered "keepers" gradually make their way into the trash or give away pile.

Some of the absolute junk that I am happy to be disposing of:

  • An extensive collection of lanyards and name badges from various conferences and university-related activities.
  • A basket full of crappy Hollister and Abercrombie necklaces & arm bands from my days as a store manager. (I just don't need to wear sea shells around my neck. I am in Nebraska, the ocean is a long way from here.)
  • A flamingo-shaped "yard glass" purchased in Las Vegas at the Flamingo Hotel's pool. ( Comes complete with two handfuls of beads.)

Some of my things that might actually be valuable:
  • A box full of matchbox cars.
  • Several boxes full of baseball and basketball cards and memorabilia.

Cross your fingers that I stumble across a Michael Jordan rookie card.

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