Monday, August 13, 2007

Oh... by the way

This one is for you readers out there living in somewhere besides New York. I came across some other basic things to know when in New York in a magazine called VICE. I had to basically quote the parts of the article I liked because I love the writing style infused with New York attitude and the advice is certainly true.Without further explanation, here are VICE's ideas on what you need to know:

Say "Excuse Me"
New Yorkers always say 'excuse me.' They realize that the person they bumped might be a crackhead with a carpet cutter that wants to cut your face from above your eyebrow straight down your chin. Not only should you say excuse me if you bump into someone, you should even turn back and put your arms out in a ready kind of " I'm here to stabilize you if you fall" way. This helps emphasize sincerity. It is not a pussy thing to do this by the way. It's more like a prison/biker show-of-respect thing that is actually tougher than blindly walking away.

Nobody Cares
Guess what? People in New York are over it. That doesn't mean they don't like stuff - it means that they don't give a shit why they like stuff. Don't come here and go, "Hey guys, this is a little embarrassing, but I love that Journey song 'Open Arms'! We'll just say "Big Whup, that song is pretty good."

Dress for Success?
Trust us, nobody gives a shit why you wear what you wear. It either looks good or it looks bad. It doesn't matter if you think a pair of lime green sweat pants is "hilarious." They either look like shit (more than likely) or they look amazing (not totally outside the realm of possibilities).

Way to go Vice! For more rules check out the previously posted Things to Know when in New York. More rules to come.

1 comment:

Bianca said...

this is such a funny blog and its so tru...GO NEW YORKERS WE SUCK LMAO